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Those who stroll along Ybor City’s Seventh Avenue from dusk to dawn have, for decades, done so under glow of iconic archway lights. Late last year, the lights were replaced with modern tech. Sensor Street Lamp

Now, the original arches that adorned the avenue since 1990 are up for auction, starting Friday through Aug. 11.
Those interested can submit bids for the arches, which are 32 feet wide and 4 feet tall, at — just search under the Arts, Crafts, and Collectibles category. The Ybor City Community Redevelopment Area office is auctioning five lots, each consisting of four arches.
The redevelopment district began replacing the archways last November with new ones that have LED lighting while maintaining the aesthetic character of the historic district.
The 21 new aluminum archways, 34 feet wide with a “Y” medallion in the center, adorn Seventh Avenue between Nuccio Parkway and 26th Street.

Cricket Flood Light Olivia George is a reporter covering the City of Tampa. Reach her at